Problem Most Used / Recent
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Problem Most Used / RecentHi,
I have a problem with "Most Used" menu. Some programs are mentionned twice and there seems to be no way to Delete a program from those specified, and is seems this is not maintained in the mostused.xml. How / where can I get rid of the doubles ? Where are the items on the different menu's stored ? Thanks
Re: Problem Most Used / RecentHi,
Delete "quicklaunch.xml" in LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu
Re: Problem Most Used / RecentHi,
Quicklaunch.xml only contains information concerned to the two icons on the Right side : "My Documents" and "Liberkey Help" mostused.xml doesn't contain the list of programs shown under "Most Used"
Re: Problem Most Used / RecentGood evening.
It's possible you have duplicates because your apps appears twice (or more) in default.xml and/or in myapps.xml . Edit them in Notepad (or in your favorite text editor) and search lines like
Re: Problem Most Used / RecentThis is a very annoying behaviour of Liberkey.
It happens for all the programs I add to "My Favourites" ! Is it really not possible to interpret the programs existing on differents tabs as the same program when their installation path is the same ?
Re: Problem Most Used / RecentKeepAlive
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