Question in re: online sync and multiple LiberKey installs

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Question in re: online sync and multiple LiberKey installs

Messagede IRJustman » 04 Septembre 2011, 22:10


Was curious whether the site supports the ability to keep multiple devices in sync online. I would like to keep several compilations of programs for different purposes, e.g. my consulting on one key, personal stuff on another. That way I can keep personal and professional applications and data apart.

Thanks for any info.


P.S. I am specifically talking about the ability to keep my list of apps on the servers via the "online options" item on the "Your LiberKey" page.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 04 Septembre 2011, 21:14

Re: Question in re: online sync and multiple LiberKey instal

Messagede Dji » 05 Septembre 2011, 10:11

Online sync is not "applications sync between multiple configurations" but "synchronize informations" from my running Liberkey (whatever it was) to the displayed webpage, for information only.
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