[Solved] Autoupdate fails for Thunderbird 3.1.10
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[Solved] Autoupdate fails for Thunderbird 3.1.10When I open my LiberKey, that is configured to auto-update, it tries to download Thunderbird 3.1.10 (my current TB app is 3.1.9), but some problems occur and it cannot be installed (some translation problems also appear).
That issue does not occurred with other LiberKey updates I done in these days. Prerequisites: - auto-update enabled - Portuguese language selected - Thunderbird 3.1.9 Installed and Thunderbird 3.1.10 available Description: 1. Open LiberKey with Thunderbird 3.1 installed 2. Wait for LiberKey to show that there is a new update for Thunderbird 3. Wait some time and it pops up following dialog: Windows Ok Button Dialog: - Title: LiberKey Inst v1.2.121 - Body: An error occurred while downloading installation files Error 403 : Forbidden 4. Wait some time and another dialog is poped up: LiberKey customized balloon dialog - Title: LiberKey Installer - Thunderbird 3.1.10 - Body: Erreur pendant le téléchargement des données d'installation ! 5. Click on ok button from first dialog (Windows Ok Button Dialog) and another dialog: LiberKey customized tabs dialog - Title: LiberKey Inst v1.2.121 - Thunderbird (v3.1.10) - Body: Aplicação: Thunderbird Versão: 3.1.10 Página da internet: http://www.mozillamessaging.com Descrição: Thunderbird is an email software that offers numerous handy features like advanced folder views, message tagging, message history navigation, phishing protection, anti-spam, add-ons manager for extensions and themes and more. Editor: Mozilla Corporation Pacote proposto por: http://www.liberkey.com Configurar idiomas disponíveis: <avaliable language list> - Buttons: <Install> and <Cancel> Errors: - General: Thunderbird is not auto-updated - In 3: Dialog body is in English - In 4: Dialog body is in French ![]()
Re: Autoupdate fails for Thunderbird 3.1.10
Are you trying to install at school or so? For example I experienced that I could not update "Yea Chess" at school, because it was blocked.
Re: Autoupdate fails for Thunderbird 3.1.10It would be an issue with your environment, maybe your antivirus or firewall.
Anyway here is a workaround for solving your issue, by doing it manually: - Have a look into LiberkeyTools\LBKInst\log folder for the most recent .log file - locate into it the original address of Thunderbird 3.1.10.exe - Download and copy it manually into the subfolder where .lks are downloaded (if I remember well and if you didn't change it, in Documents AndSettings\<youraccount>\LocalSettings\Temp\lbkData\Thunderbird_3.1.10_setup\fr) - Double-click on Thunderbird_3.1.10.lks file (double-click won't work if you didn't enabled Liberkey associations from Liberkey Menu, drag and drop the .lks file into Liberkey Menu indeed) "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Autoupdate fails for Thunderbird 3.1.10Well, I cannot install the main LiberKey software update automatically. I do that by offline patches.
But I have not experienced something like that with a LiberKey app - when I perform "verify updates" manually or automatically, all new app versions are downloaded and installed without problems. Well, the last pop-up I said is a pop-up to try to install manually. I didn't do that, but I will. I'm only reporting that occurred it. Also I reported other issues related with pop-up text translations. I selected "Portuguese" for my language in LiberKey, but some pop-ups appeared in English and in French - I can contribute to translate that, but I have not known to do it yet.
Re: Autoupdate fails for Thunderbird 3.1.10For sure you can contribute, please have a look at the Translation forum
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Autoupdate fails for Thunderbird 3.1.10
I just tried to do update manually, another pop-up alerts that it will download installer from LiberKey servers and the error 403 appears again... Suggestion: in that cases, the program should inform the link to that file, so we could download it via our browsers...
Re: Autoupdate fails for Thunderbird 3.1.10I encountered the same problem with Thunderbird and Firefox. Click here to see the screenshots:
Re: Autoupdate fails for Thunderbird 3.1.10
For french version of Thunderbird, the address of the .exe is the following (change fr language code by your own) http://mirror5.liberkey.com/editorsetup ... 3.1.10.exe "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Autoupdate fails for Thunderbird 3.1.10Thanks Dji for your help, but I still couldn't find or solve the problem. Therefore I tried to update my LiberKey stick on the computer of a friend and that did the trick.
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