[Solved] can't change some file associations - why ??

A problem using LiberKey ?
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[Solved] can't change some file associations - why ??

Messagede gideon@gideon.org.uk » 15 Octobre 2010, 12:05


I would like to get liberkey to get the host computer to temporarily change the file association set on the host computer as default to that set by liberkey - regardless of what applications may or may not be installed on the host computer.

I am happy about how to get liberkey to launch and execute the KeyFileAssociation on insertion and revert things back on ejection.

What I don't undersatnd is why certain file types DO have their association sucessfully changed by Liberkey [PDF for example - I have Acrobat installed on the host and liberkey sucessfully changes this to Sumatra ], but others just refuse to change !

An example would be JPG [the host computer has ACDC and liberkey fails to change association to XNview]
Another would be video files.

Also, would I be correct in assuming that if the host did not have a program registered to handle FLV files, then, provided Liberkey contains say WimpyFlvPlayer, then Liberkey would play FLVs ?

Thanks in advance for your help ! I'm going round and round in circles here :(

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 14 Octobre 2010, 18:16

Re: Liberkey wont change some file associations - why ??

Messagede skybird » 20 Octobre 2010, 12:33

Hello Gideon.

What is your OS ?

In "Associations configuration", you can force the behavior.
Choose your extension >> Advanced >> "Replace the current actions for this type of files"
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Messages: 1766
Inscription: 10 Octobre 2007, 10:45

Re: Liberkey wont change some file associations - why ??

Messagede gideon@gideon.org.uk » 24 Décembre 2010, 11:39


[a belated] thanks for this ! I have followed your instructions, and have had partial success ......

I have tried every combination of 'By Default' and 'Replace the current actions for this type of files', but can't seem to get XnView to take ownership of JPG files from ACDC which I have installed on my PC......

Any ideas please ?

[Confusingly I was sucessfully able to re-associate Liberkey MP4 files with Media Player Classic]

I have the most up to date Liberkey shell - as of 22 December 2010 and am running Win7 Ultimate.

Many thanks !

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 14 Octobre 2010, 18:16

Re: [Solved] can't change some file associations - why ??

Messagede wernight » 07 Février 2011, 20:50

Same here. What is the exact technical meaning of "Replace current actions for this type of file" checkbox? :dry:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 26
Inscription: 02 Février 2011, 01:10

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