[solved] Cant update Liberkey
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[solved] Cant update LiberkeyI clicked update liberkey and it had some error (it deleted liberkey.exe and liberkey LiberKeyPortabilizer.exe). I copied liberkey.exe and liberkey LiberKeyPortabilizer.exe from my brothers computer but now I cant update to new version . Click for update doesnt work.
Re: Cant update LiberkeyCopy those two exe are not enough.
Shutdown your liberkey and all Liberkey applications (including firefox, thunderbird, amsn, etc) Please download Liberkey platform, install it into another folder but do not start it. Then copy from this new location, the LiberkeyTools folder into your actual Liberkey folder. Now you would have a safe Liberkey install, then you should be able to update your Liberkey. "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Cant update Liberkeyagain, I got this error
Re: Cant update LiberkeyTry to (fully) deactivate your antivirus.
If updates works, then try to put all LiberkeyTools exe to your antivirus whitelist. With the whitelist filled, if in the future you encounter again update problems, try to deactivate the "proactive" defense mechanism of the antivirus. "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Cant update Liberkeysuccessful update....
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