[Solved] Notepad++ and SpellChecker Plugin
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[Solved] Notepad++ and SpellChecker PluginHello
I have tried to install the Aspell spell checker plugin for Notepad++, but with no luck. Here is the process I used (this worked for the PortableApps version of Notepad++ and Aspell). Download and Install the aspell full installer on http://aspell.net/win32/ Download and Install the desired dictionary (English for me) Copy all the Aspell install files from C:\Program Files\Aspell (with sub directories in tact) to D:\LiberKey\Apps\Notepad++\App\Notepad++\Aspell (with sub directories in tact) Uninstall Aspell from my hard-drive Edit D:\LiberKey\Apps\Notepad++\App\Notepad++\plugins\Config\SpellChecker.ini to now read [Spell-Checker] Current Language= Relative Path=..\Aspell\bin Start Notepad++ Click the Spell Check icon **** BUT the "HOW TO USE SPELL CHECKER" box opens asking me to provide the relative path to aspell-15.dll. I am guessing that I have the relative path wrong, but can't figure out what it should be. I have tried multiple variations like \Aspell\bin ..\Aspell\bin ..\..\Aspell\bin but with no luck. It might help if I knew what the relative path is relative to and from? Again I am guessing it is from D:\LiberKey\Apps\Notepad++\App\Notepad++\plugins\spellcheck.dll to D:\LiberKey\Apps\Notepad++\App\Notepad++\Aspell\bin\aspell-15.dll so the relative path would be ..\Aspell\bin right ??????? Any help appreciated Thanks Mark
Re: Notepad++ and SpellChecker PluginHello surfinmark.
In this case Aspell folder and Notepad++.exe are in the same level, so relative path must be:
Just a supposition but, did you restart Notepad++ after validate the "HOW TO USE SPELL CHECKER" box ?
Re: Notepad++ and SpellChecker PluginThanks SkyBird
That was it
Sorry, but I am not so good at technical stuff, so didn't even know about that option ( .\ instead of ..\) Thanks again Mark
Re: [Solved] Notepad++ and SpellChecker PluginYour are welcome,
In fact, your are not wrong, the Spell Checker plugin understand .\Aspell\bin, \Aspell\bin and Aspell\bin too.
Aspell-15.dll & "..\Aspell\bin" issue solved in Notepad++Aspell-15.dll & "..\Aspell\bin" issue solved in Notepad++
Solution to missing Aspell-15.dll file in Notepad++ Spell Checker Won't Work in Notepad++ Problem * What a Journey !* First , Spell Checker DOES work in Notepad++ (N++) , so keep the faith * I installed it from - C:\Spell Checker\ - and it DID work fine (and did-not get lost) * * First you MUST uninstall all of it - N++ , all dictionaries , and the Aspell program - in that order * N++ and the dictionaries can be uninstalled from Windows - Add & Remove Programs - , but Aspell , being a standalone Command Line program , must be uninstalled from its installed directory using - unins000.exe * Not all files have been deleted , however * Next , go to each of the (installed) directories and delete ALL files , then reboot * From this clean slate , create (or retain) two empty directories - Aspell and Notepad++ - by those names only * These two directories MUST be under the same super-directory * I use - C:\Programs\ - , so my two directories are - C:\Programs\Aspell\ - and - C:\Programs\Notepad++\ - * Now install Aspell Program , at least one dictionary , and Notepad++ IN THAT ORDER * * It is untrue that these three installs need to be made from the Desktop * I created a directory called "Spell Checker" in the root (C:\Spell Checker\) and loaded the three install programs in there * Running the install programs exactly according to below , I had complete success * * Be sure to get the Windows version of ALL files * I found my Aspell and dictionary files on - http://aspell.net/win32/ * I found this site by inserting - Aspell Windows - into my search engine , which is - http://search.yippy.com/ * I highly recommend this search engine * * Remember , you can install in any directory you want including the default - C:\Program-Files\ - directory * However , the following instructions use my selected install directory - C:\Programs\ * * Install (run) - Aspell-0-50-3-3-Setup.exe - , the Aspell Program - Select Destination Directory - double-click on - C:\Programs\ - ONLY , then press NEXT (get - C:\Programs\Aspell ) Select Start Menu Folder - choose any name or use the default , then press NEXT Select Additional Tasks - choose whatever you want , then press NEXT Ready to Install - confirm your choices , then press INSTALL Information window shows - you might want to ^C copy this and create a text file , then press NEXT Completing Aspell Setup window shows - the manual is not particularly useful at this point and is available in - C:/Programs/Aspell/doc/html/manual.html * Do-not run Aspell * You're not really interested in the Command Line program are you ?* * Install (run) - Aspell-en-0.50-2-3.exe - , the English Dictionary - Immediately , a - tmpinst.bat - file is created and a - TmpInstall - directory is created in "C:\Spell Checker\" * These are supposed to be temporary items The batch file contains - @echo off echo Starting TmpInstall\setup-Aspell-en-0.50-2.exe start /wait TmpInstall\setup-Aspell-en-0.50-2.exe echo Removing TmpInstall deltree /Y TmpInstall del %0 The - dict - directory (in C:\Programs\Aspell) contains the meat of the dictionary Setup English Dictionary window shows , press NEXT Information window shows , press NEXT Select Destination Directory - you should get - C:\Programs\Aspell - * If not , insert this or your text * Press NEXT Do-not get tricky at this point ; just install the dictionary in the Aspell (install) directory Select Start Menu Folder - choose any name or use the default , then press NEXT Ready to Install - confirm your choices , then press INSTALL Completing English Setup window shows - press FINISH The "TmpInstall" directory in "C:\Spell Checker\" is supposed to be deleted but the "deltree" command in the batch file isn't available to do it * Leave it there for now Don't touch a thing here and now ; go on to install N++ * * Install (run) - npp.5.9.2.Installer.exe - , the Notepad++ Program - Installer Language window shows - press OK Notepad++ Setup window shows - press NEXT License Agreement window shows - read then press - I Agree - Choose Install Location - here you MUST select Browse and locate the install directory for N++ (C:\Programs - in my case) In Browse - select the - Notepad++ - folder and press OK * You should have - C:\Programs\Notepad++\ - (in my case) in the Location field ; press NEXT Choose Components - be sure to select - Plugins / Spell-Checker - ; otherwise , choose whatever you want Choose "Context Menu Entry" , ALL "Plugins" , and "User Manual" for basics ; then press NEXT Choose Components - URGENT - You ! MUST ! choose (check) - Don't use %APPDATA% - for the spell checker to work , then press INSTALL Completing Notepad++ Setup window shows - I suggest that you run N++ here , press FINISH * * Run Notepad++ - "Change.log" file should come up by default - If you have followed these instructions perfectly , N++ should Spell Check now * Select - Plugins - from the program's task bar and then Spell-Checker and then Spell-Checker * If the Spell-Checker window shows items in the 3 fields , you have succeeded * * You (I) can now delete the "C:\Spell Checker\" directory (save the install programs somewhere though) and you've cleaned up * * The problem I had (and what others have been having) was that N++ could-not find all the files that it needed in order to spell check * Even the "..\Aspell\bin" didn't work * That term (..\Aspell\bin) , by the way , means - back up one directory , open the Aspell directory , then open the bin directory * Of course , you knew that , but it still didn't work * The big question was - Where am I starting from * The answer is that you were starting from inside the directory where the "notepad++.exe" file is located , which is (in my case) "C:\Programs\Notepad++\" * There are , it seems , some links that are created properly only when the installs are done exactly correctly and in the correct order * N++ had been going to the right place all along (provided that the "Aspell" directory and the "Notepad++" directory were located under the same super-directory) * However , the links to files were , somehow , not being made properly * So now ya know * * BTW , be certain that you are-not using any files that have been "tar"ed * Files with the "tar" extension are almost certainly the linux versions of the programs * * I suggest that you copy and save this text for future reference * Macroe
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