[Solved] Web-File-Association stopped working

A problem using LiberKey ?
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[Solved] Web-File-Association stopped working

Messagede tyderionCH » 24 Janvier 2012, 18:16

Hi there

I freshly installed windows (as well as liberkey) and downloaded the portable version of firefox (and chromium).
In the beginnen the files associations were done correctly. All links as well as all html/htm/etc files were opened by firefox (or chromium, I don't really care at this point). Then I had to use InternetExplorer for a IE-only page and accidentally pushed the "make IE the default browser"-button.

Now the file-associations of liberkey for html/htm/HTTP/HTTPS/FDP do not get enforced. All other work (see picture).
This is really annoying, because it is impossible to use the windows7-dialog to associate the URL-protocol with the liberkeyFirefox launcher (only with the firefox executable itself, which of course doesn't use the portable profile...)

Checking "Replace the current actions for this type of files" does not change anything.

Before Associating (sample files):

After Associating, with HTML-Association-config:

Is there any way to restore the original, default behaviour? (e.g. it associates webstuff correctly)
Thanks for helping me :)

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 22 Janvier 2012, 16:55

Re: Web-File-Association stopped working

Messagede skybird » 24 Janvier 2012, 19:45

Hello Tyderion.

For html and htm extensions :
Right-click on your sample file then "Open with". A sub-menu appears with "Internet Explorer" , "Liberkey Launcher - Firefox" and "Choose default program...". Click on "Choose default program..."
(Liberkey Launcher - "Appliname" appears in this sub-menu if it is "By default" in KFA configuration. Seems to be ok in your case)
In the "Open with" windows : choose "LiberKey Launcher - Firefox" and apply.

For http/https protocols :
Open regedit.exe . And find the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations (added when Internet Explorer has been chosen) and rename it or delete it.
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Messages: 1766
Inscription: 10 Octobre 2007, 10:45

Re: Web-File-Association stopped working

Messagede tyderionCH » 24 Janvier 2012, 23:21

thanks a lot. this works great :)

now the icon of htm/html files are blank when associated via liberkey and show a firefox-icon when liberkey is not active. but this is only a minor annoyance, no problem :)
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 22 Janvier 2012, 16:55

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