Strange Update Problems
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Strange Update ProblemsHi,
I have recently installed LiberKey and I love it! But I have one very strange problem wehn I try to update installed applications. When I want to update some small apps (less then 512KB or even 1MB), update is fine, but all the other apps bigger then that won't update. I have left updater over night with only this 'bigger' apps (I have 1Mbit download speed), and connection was almost 100% occupied all night, and none of the selected applications got updated. I am not sure if this was already reported as a problem, but I hope that there is a solution for this. Regards, Milan
Re:Strange Update ProblemsGDragoN wrote:
Hello GDragoN, A French user had the same problem, here. He has disabled his antivirus (BitDefender) during the downloading. Maybe that you should try that. ![]() Que l homme fort ne se vante pas de sa force ! Que l homme sage ne se vante pas de sa sagesse ! Et que l homme bête ne se vante pas de sa bêtise !
Re:Strange Update ProblemsWelcome GDragoN
I confirm ZeD7, only one case until now and the solution was to disable the antivirus. If your antivirus recognize a software as a false positive, it will lock the download. Could you give us the name and version of your antivirus ? Regards For your information, the support will be easier in english soon (English forum should be open at the beginning of August).
Re:Strange Update ProblemsThanx for the response, I will try to disable AV. I use Avira Antivirus 8. My brother uses NOD32 3.0 and same thing happens to him.
Re:Strange Update ProblemsWell, disabling AV doesn't do the trick. I have disabled firewall and antivirus, and still no download for any program bigger then 1MB. All the other smaller programs are downloaded and installed. And for the last hour almost 300MB are downloaded, and nothing was installed by the updater.
Both antivirus and firewall (Comodo) are unloaded, all their services shut down, avery other program is donwloading just fine whatever I want, except for the updater and only for programs bigger then 1MB (approx.). Also, AV is set to manual mode, and it will ask for any needed action, and it can't act on it's own. Any other suggestions are welcome. Regards, Milan
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