Wrong / mixed up language version

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Wrong / mixed up language version

Messagede rafitek » 18 Mars 2014, 16:37


I have this problem with Liberkey where language version is mixed up.
I have set POLISH language in the beginning in LK settings and every time I install any application
from LK catalog I get License windows in FRENCH. Same thing happens when I want to update an application.

This picture shows it. click


Any suggestions?

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 18 Mars 2014, 16:19

Re: Wrong / mixed up language version

Messagede Dji » 18 Mars 2014, 17:04

It seems the integrated Polish translation you have is not 100% fully performed and for the untranslated messages you get the default language (french, I guess).

I know some translations updates are pending on vagabond side for a while and I hope he can takes some time to release them, soon.
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Re: Wrong / mixed up language version

Messagede rafitek » 21 Mars 2014, 21:59


thanks for the answer.
It would be nice if you could choose secondary language in case like this,
mostly for users not familiar with French language.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 18 Mars 2014, 16:19

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