Bulk Rename Utility
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Bulk Rename Utility![]() Languages: En Compatibility: Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, 2008, 2000, NT License: Freeware. Author's description:
Advantages: definitely the crazyest file renamer out there!! Just test it by your self and feel the power!! nothing come close even to a 20%!!! Also portable version already available! Inconvenients: nothing multi-antivirus: 100% clean Website : http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk Download page: http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Download.php
Re: Bulk Rename Utility
Was looking for such application. I totally agree with you - should be in LiberKey. ![]()
Re: Bulk Rename UtilityWow, that looks complicated!
Is it better than "RenameIt!"? (Check my software suggestions). "RenameIt!" has dozens of options, including Regular Expressions and ID3 Tags. Personally, the renamers currently available in LiberKey aren't as good as RenameIt. Mickets.
Re: Bulk Rename Utilitythe renamers on liberkey are the worst available imo!!!
Bulk Rename kills everything easily! ![]() RenameIt is ok but it will not come even close to BRU !! It is not complicated at all you just browse to the folders you want you choose the files you want to rename (mark them) and then you have all the rename options to a single window (no popups - no tabs - no option windows ... just one for everything) anything you change you see it live as a preview and there are full undo features ![]() also you can apply all 13 types of rename at once! it is crazy
Re: Bulk Rename Utility
I don't know if they're the worse, but they're not very good. I'll try this suggestion and let's see. If I like it I'll support it. Mickets
Re: Bulk Rename UtilityI already vouch for it as stated above !!
Re: Bulk Rename UtilityHmmmm... OK, it looks pretty good, despite the initial panic.
It's definitely better than the others that are in Liberkey. I vote for it. Mickets
Re: Bulk Rename UtilityI'm an avid user of BRU, but with the lack of updates (not that they're really needed), I don't see a point of having this in the LiberKey software. They offer a portable version already that can just as well be added to the flash drive and ASuite menu by ones self.
Re: Bulk Rename UtilityAgree with you irawr123!
not many updates because the program rocks and there arent any bugs atm !! I just mention it here because it is a huge time saver for people that rename files/folders very ofter!! Many people dont know this software and except that it is 100 times better but the renamers on liberkey! this mean that liberkey itself will be more powerful when offering top quality software like that ![]() i have allready the portable version (and 64bit) inside my LK "Myapps" folder so personally im ok ![]()
Re: Bulk Rename UtilityHave you really checked out what ReNamer can do? Of that entire list, I only see four entries that aren't already covered:
- Sort the file details by any column - Create an "Undo" batch file - Change file and folder date/timestamps (created, modified, accessed) - Change file/folder attributes (hidden, read-only, archived) And they're not exactly 'killer features'.
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