Newbie help

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Newbie help

Messagede alpineaudio » 28 Mai 2010, 17:59


I'm new to using a program like this....when I ran the exe program, I wasn't thinking. Instead of having LiberKey install on my usb drive, I got stupid and loaded it onto my computer......under C:/Liberkey
I am running windows 7. How do I go about removing LiberKey from my computer? Do I just delete the folder, or are there other things I need to remove/adjust on the C drive or in the registry? Any help is appreciated.


ps. I've looked through all the forums to see if someone else has been in my shoes or on how you remove, but I didn't notice anything.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 28 Mai 2010, 17:54

Re: Newbie help

Messagede Dji » 28 Mai 2010, 18:10

Don't worry, Keep it simple ! :happy:

If you want to put Liberkey from your C drive to your USB drive, just move the folder.
If you want to remove Liberkey from your C drive, just delete the folder :-)
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Re: Newbie help

Messagede alpineaudio » 28 Mai 2010, 18:19

Thanks for the reply. I just wasn't sure if I needed to remove anything else. I wanted to make sure since I already did 1 step a little off.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 28 Mai 2010, 17:54

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