Newbie here... how to install it on my flash drive

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Newbie here... how to install it on my flash drive

Messagede hujorgen » 30 Juin 2010, 19:57

Newbie here... After installiing Liberkey main application and then the Ultimate version I don't understand how to proceed. I've opened the LiberKery application but do not know how to install it on my flash drive and/or how to synchronize my apps with the flash drive. Is there a tutorial or user manual available?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 30 Juin 2010, 19:48

Re: Newbie here... how to install it on my flash drive

Messagede skybird » 30 Juin 2010, 22:55

Hello hujorgen.

Copy/paste your LiberKey folder in your flash drive. :bigsmile:
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Re: Newbie here... how to install it on my flash drive

Messagede hujorgen » 01 Juillet 2010, 03:36

Thanks for the reply. I copied it to my flash drive. Nothing happened. Do I now open something and do something with it?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 30 Juin 2010, 19:48

Re: Newbie here... how to install it on my flash drive

Messagede Lockszmith » 01 Juillet 2010, 09:05

The LiberKey app is launched from the LiberKey.exe in it's root folder.
Once activated it has options to be added to the autorun options of your USB key.
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