Liberkey and Environment Variables

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Liberkey and Environment Variables

Messagede Lockszmith » 01 Novembre 2010, 12:22

Hi LiberKey team,

Is there a list available of Environment Variables that can be used by the LiberKey Menu? if not can someone produce one for our use.

Also, an issue I've encountered - When I use the %COMSPEC% environment variable, it changes to either to %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe (which is passable) or when I run from the same partition as the os I get: %DRIVE%\Widnows\system32\cmd.exe

I understand the importance of preserving "the best" portable solution, but I myself prepare a "portable" set of environment variables, which would be useful to me with LiberKey - but it keeps "kicking them out".

Any chance to at least control if my own variables remain - or at least give LiberKey a list of variables to use and not replace?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Liberkey and Environment Variables

Messagede skybird » 02 Novembre 2010, 17:33

Hello Lockszmith.

Lockszmith a écrit:Any chance to at least control if my own variables remain - or at least give LiberKey a list of variables to use and not replace?

This behavior has been improved in the build published today (beta channel).

Lockszmith a écrit:Is there a list available of Environment Variables that can be used by the LiberKey Menu? if not can someone produce one for our use.

All current windows environment variables, plus
%APPS% = path of folder Apps
%MYAPPS% = path of folder MyApps
%LBKTOOLS% = path of folder LiberKeyTools
%LBKROOT% = path of LiberKey root folder (LiberKey.exe)
%DRIVE% = drive letter
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Re: Liberkey and Environment Variables

Messagede Lockszmith » 02 Novembre 2010, 22:28

skybird a écrit:Hello Lockszmith.

This behavior has been improved in the build published today (beta channel).
All current windows environment variables, plus...

updated with enthusiasm to test the new features, and alas as I tried to use %COMSPEC% as the application executabel, once I hit Apply the properties window closes - without commiting the data.

Tried by editing the user_menu.xml file, this worked fine - it is something with the GUI most probably, but of course you guys will have to sort this out.
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Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

Re: Liberkey and Environment Variables

Messagede ricky » 27 Novembre 2010, 17:04


i'm usinsg autoit to create a little software, but how can I catch these windows environment variables?
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Re: Liberkey and Environment Variables

Messagede ricky » 14 Janvier 2011, 13:29


Nobody can help me?
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Re: Liberkey and Environment Variables

Messagede Dji » 14 Janvier 2011, 13:57

Liberkey "environment" variables can only be understood by LiberkeyTools (portabilizer, menu, etc) at the moment.
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Re: Liberkey and Environment Variables

Messagede ricky » 14 Janvier 2011, 14:08

it's not possible to give us a little program who can give us those variables by commandline for example? Or launch this little program and it creates a ini file with the information?
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Re: Liberkey and Environment Variables

Messagede ricky » 07 Juillet 2011, 17:29

ricky a écrit:it's not possible to give us a little program who can give us those variables by commandline for example? Or launch this little program and it creates a ini file with the information?

Nobody can give me a response?
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Re: Liberkey and Environment Variables

Messagede Dji » 07 Juillet 2011, 22:33

Put the following code into a batch file (e.g. lbk_variables.bat) and execute it.
Code: Tout sélectionner
@echo off

set drive=%cd:~0,3%
set myapps=%cd%
set liberkey=%myapps:MyApps=%

echo LBKROOT=%liberkey%
echo APPS=%liberkey%Apps
echo MYAPPS=%myapps%
echo LBKTOOLS=%liberkey%LiberkeyTools
echo DRIVE=%drive%

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Re: Liberkey and Environment Variables

Messagede feeks » 09 Septembre 2011, 14:35

I am also interested in this for a slightly different reason. For instance calling an application from an application which are both residing on the LiberKey Drive one specific example is 7-zip calling the editor function (F4). I would like to point the 7-zip editor option to a path like %drive%\Liberkey\apps\notepad++ etc instead of having to edit the path not configure the function for the application.

I tried the batch file approach but was not successful.
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