hundrets of languagepacks
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hundrets of languagepacksHi,
I use your liberkey long time and I'm rather glad about all that stuff (incl. the possibility to customise my own menue). But every USB-Stick is limited in the space. So I recommend/ask you to upgrade your 5.5.version in this case, so that the user can define, which language-package off all the portable software one wants to leave installed/safed on stick. Please think, that ca. 250 liberkey programm-folders + all the own one includes hundrets of language-folders which one never will use. Because you cant change the extern programms - U can give us user a special Liberkey-Language-Cleaner-Batch which must be remembered each further updates. (please excuse my rosty english - I'm an old German) Peter
Re: hundrets of languagepacksIf you look in the forum you maybe found the topic regarding open office and languages pack.
For the others applications, you're right but we never found enough ressources (humans, times spent, technical informations) doing it for our hundreds integrated applications.... Sorry ! "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: hundrets of languagepacksHi Peter,
it's possible to get rid of all the language file and all the help files you don't want but there is some effort before success: I got LiberKey as well on my HD as on my USB drive. 1. Delete all language/help files of every program manually! ![]() A hard job but necessary! ![]() 2. When you deleted all unwanted stuff copy your whole LiberKey folder to your USB drive. 3. Whenever a program is updated I never update it on my USB drive but on my HD! 4. Then I compare both installations with FreeFileSync to show all the differences. The differences are the updated program files and the pack of language/help files in the unwanted languages which come by default with the update (only on my HD). 5. In FreeFileSync I choose which files on my USB drive get updated and which files on my HD get deleted. So I get after every update very quick rid of the unwanted files and both my HD and my USB drive got only the files I want even when my USB drive has less files installed. It's really simple. Be blessed, not stressed. Cole
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