[solved] Truecrypt is startet three times

A problem using LiberKey ?
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[solved] Truecrypt is startet three times

Messagede Daniel42 » 08 Mars 2012, 10:50


since the last update to LiberKey 5.6.0222 I get constantly annoyed by Liberkey trying to start Truecrypt 3 times when I click it once. Because I'm using Win7 with tight permissions I'm asked for my admin-password 3 times in a row :-(
If I provide my password only the first time and cancel UAC on the second and third attempt, LiberKey complains about missing permissions, but Truecrypt works as expected.

Does anyone else have a similar problem? How can I solve it?

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 20 Septembre 2011, 11:33

Re: Truecrypt is startet three times

Messagede skybird » 09 Mars 2012, 19:58

Hello Daniel42.

This is a very strange behavior.

What happens if you try to launch it directly from the executable \Apps\TrueCrypt\TrueCryptLKL.exe ?

For testing, temporarily rename your folder \Apps\TrueCrypt (into "\Apps\TrueCrypt_current" for example) then re-install TrueCrypt from the Catalog.
Does the problem still persist ?
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Messages: 1766
Inscription: 10 Octobre 2007, 10:45

Re: Truecrypt is startet three times

Messagede Daniel42 » 14 Mars 2012, 10:15

I found the problem. I don't know why, but during the last update the autostart-function was re-activated (I deactivated it because of working with multiple computers where Truecrypt is alread running).
Somehow Truecrypt was listet twice in Autostart - so starting LK an manually running TC once resulted in 3 starts...

Besides I don't know why the config was changed, the problem is now gone.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 20 Septembre 2011, 11:33

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