is the development of liberkey ceased ?

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Re: is the development of liberkey ceased ?

Messagede kokbira » 30 Août 2012, 01:19

I have a bad feeling about inpatients and pessimists...
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Re: is the development of liberkey ceased ?

Messagede Mastergame » 31 Août 2012, 00:20

kokbira a écrit:I have a bad feeling about inpatients and pessimists...

I hope you're right... but two months of silent are more than to be impatient or pessimist! :dry:
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Re: is the development of liberkey ceased ?

Messagede fnagel » 31 Août 2012, 16:01

Could somebody check the French forum again?
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Re: is the development of liberkey ceased ?

Messagede supernova3 » 31 Août 2012, 20:44

Nothing... Wait & see ;)
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Re: is the development of liberkey ceased ?

Messagede Edin » 05 Septembre 2012, 15:15

Two months in and still nothing...

I think it is time to download what we can from here, while we can, before the site goes down too.
LK Launcher is still good, apps are not updated, but installing apps from elsewhere will work with LK launcher just fine.
Only problem in this scenario is not getting update notifications, but that can he band-aid it using RSS feeds, to at least know when update is available, and download it manually. Its something...

LB Launcher still have few features that others don't.
- There is "Key File Assoc". I know you can use Coffee, or similar knock-offs, but this one is built-in, and managed automatically.
- The feature that close all open programs/files on launcher closing is also nice. Not seen on other launchers.
- The wizard that adds new apps you put manually in "Apps" or "MyApps" directory. Does not just adds new app, it does more.

PortableApps Launcher was not updated in a long time either, then they start improving the launcher. It started really nice, and included few nice features, promised it will be maintained on regular bases... Then nothing for a long time. Stopped short of having what we have in LK all along.

Ahhh.... Options are there and available, just what to do, what to do...
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Re: is the development of liberkey ceased ?

Messagede Dji » 07 Septembre 2012, 10:26

Hi everybody,

Sorry for being informed so late but we (moderators) got so many news and the ones we had before did not permit us to give you any visibility on the activities recovery.

But we can say that the project is not dead (hope so) even if application updates has been stopped for two months.
They will be back as soon as possible, be sure of that.

I repeat that we cannot provide you any delay for activities recovery even if I personally think that you would probably need to wait for at least fifteen days before seeing regular updates.

In the meanwhile, we cannot ask you anything else than a bit of patience, waiting for a project resume to a curb near normal once life turbulences have left some fresh air to concerned persons.

P.S : And thanks for your comprehension about my approximative English ;-)
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Re: is the development of liberkey ceased ?

Messagede tosiabunio » 07 Septembre 2012, 18:01

Thanks for the update and giving us hope.
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Re: is the development of liberkey ceased ?

Messagede Jaro » 08 Septembre 2012, 15:27

Thank you soo much for this information.
I promised early in July, that I will spend 15 Euro for further development, and I keep my promise. :reyes:
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Re: is the development of liberkey ceased ?

Messagede cujobr » 10 Septembre 2012, 20:40

I am so happy about the news, then I gonna donate some money too.
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Re: is the development of liberkey ceased ?

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 11 Septembre 2012, 00:02

I am sure that LiberKey updates will come soon and the project will never die. :bigsmile:

But Some new members (Not to be named as every one knows) tried their best to defame LiberKey. :ninja:

Waiting .......
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