Why my IDM isn't working on Google chrome browser?

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Why my IDM isn't working on Google chrome browser?

Messagede iugreen » 06 Décembre 2013, 04:05

I have installed IDM Image download manager. It is working on Mozilla Firefox, but not on Google Chrome. When I right clicked on any file, there is no option like "Download by IDM". I want to activate IDM for my Google Chrome. What should I do to activate my IDM for Google Chrome.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 29 Novembre 2013, 07:01

Re: Why my IDM isn't working on Google chrome browser?

Messagede Dji » 06 Décembre 2013, 09:25

Did you tried to use it with another Chrome portable release ? (portableapps, lupo, wipenpack, etc)
Did you tried to use it with standalone chrome release ?
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